
Roma Virtual Network

Opre Roma!

The RVN wants to stimulate the progress of all Roma, especially the ones involved in the international Romani movement, with a focus on the emerging strata of young Roma leaders and public diplomats, some of whom are working in EU-level and national governmental institutions. Beside these categories, it serves as a source of comprehensive and up-to-date information on a wide range of topics and aspects connected to the Roma issue (education, employment, housing, equality, women rights, anti-trafficking, Romani language, cultural life, etc.) for EU-level policy-makers, civil servants, human rights activists and media. It also is a reliable electronic archive of Roma-related news items posted on-line since the year 2001.

The RVN plans to continue addressing the need for such information and, in addition to it, to serve as a tool for the conducting of multi-disciplinary researches for Romologists, Roma activists, organizations and media. In our plans are: further on-line cooperation with international organizations working on the improvement of the Roma situation, further contribution to developing of already existing electronic database with the directories of all known Roma and Roma-related organizations, further development of an electronic calendar of all Roma and Roma-related events, further keeping of a strong focus on the progress of Roma Decade in respective countries of Central and South-Eastern Europe, keeping the Romani language as one of the main languages of news items on the listserves of RVN, further mainstreaming of Roma youth via regular informing and consulting on the events, projects and opportunities of mutual interest for young people for both, Roma and non-Roma in their countries, further awareness raising among non-Roma civil society on the life, culture and history of Roma people, (in Europe and other parts of the world), further development of Roma Virtual Network as a helpful and useful tool of communication between Roma in CIS & Baltic States and Roma in other parts of the world.

Advisory Board of Roma Virtual Network

The Advisory Board of Roma Virtual Network is a body that advises the Executive Editor and having the authority to vote on editorial matters.

The members of the Advisory Board are having the right upon their consent to represent RVN on public events.

Asanovski Mustafa (Skopje, Macedonia) - Human Rights Activist, Researcher, Independent Consultant. 

Bari Judit (Budapest, Hungary) - Human Rights Activist, Independent Consultant.

De Groen Els (Oss, Netherlands) - Founder of Artists' Initiative against Romaphobia and Antitziganism, ex-MEP.

Elezovski Asmet (Kumanovo, Macedonia) - Manager, National Roma Centrum (NRC).

Grönfors Janette (Helsiniki, Finland) - Deacon on Society Work, Evangelical Lutheran congregations of Vantaa.

Kolev Deyan (Veliko Turnovo, Bulgaria) - Chairman, Center for Interethnic Dialogue and Tolerance "Amalipe".

Ryder Andrew (Budapest, Hungary) - Campaigner and Researcher.


Editorial Guidelines of Roma Virtual Network (RVN)

Truth and accuracy

We do our best to deliver the most accurate information on events and news related to Roma communities on local, national and international levels. Accuracy is more important than speed and it is often more than a question of getting the facts right.

Impartiality and diversity of opinion

We strive to be fair and open minded and reflect all significant statements of different opinions by exploring the range and conflict of views. We will also provide news and opinions equally from all sections of Roma communities (for example: artists, elderly, young and disabled people, LGBT).

Editorial integrity and independence

The RVN in its` activity aims to be independent of both state and partisan interests. The views presented on RVN may not necessarily reflect RVN`s views.

Serving the public interest

We seek to report news of significance and relevance to the Roma cause. We will ask searching questions to those who hold public office and provide a comprehensive forum for public debate.

RVN is open to constructive criticism and contributions to make it a better service for Roma and non-Roma, who are willing to learn more on Roma issues and to contribute into the process of Romani emancipation and integration in contemporary world.


Our output will be based on fairness, openness and transparency. Contributors will be treated honestly, openly and with respect.


We will respect privacy and will not infringe it without the consent of a person or group it affects, whatever topic we feature. Private behavior, correspondence and conversation will not be brought into the public domain unless there is a clear public interest and it has been decided with the person it affects.

Harm and offence

We ask contributors to treat other list members with respect. Anyone who is deemed to have infringed this rule in an unacceptable manner could be liable to being removed from the list at the discretion of the RVN.


We will always seek to safeguard the welfare of children and young people who contribute to and feature in our content including their right to be heard.


We are accountable to our list members and will deal fairly and openly with them. Their continuing trust in the RVN is a crucial part of our contract with them. We will be open in admitting mistakes and encourage a culture of willingness to learn from them.


E-mailing lists on Google:






E-mailing lists on Yahoo:















Related website: http://www.idebate.org/roma/

Related Discussion On-Line Platform: http://debatewise.org

Related Facebook Page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Roma-Virtual-Network/121255051234355/   

On-line Calendar of Roma Events: http://www.my.calendars.net/Roma_Network

Directory of Links to Roma Websites: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Romano_Liloro/links

YouTube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/RomaVirtualNetwork/


Roma Virtual Network cooperates with the Open Society Foundations (OSF)European Roma Rights Center (ERRC)European Roma Information Office (ERIO)European Roma and Travelers Forum (ERTF) and other international and national organizations whose activities are focused on support to Romani population in Europe and other parts of the world.

On 20 August 2007 Roma Virtual Network (RVN) had been officially recognized and registered as public organization (No. 580478410) according to decision of Certification Organizations Registry within the Israeli Ministry of Justice.

Send your comments, questions, suggestions to romale@zahav.net.il

Mr. Valery Novoselsky,
Editor, Roma Virtual Network (RVN).


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