
Our Data | Famecount

Famecount aims to be a comprehensive and useful source of data on usage trends within the major social networks, and a means for you to identify and connect with stars on each of the social networks.

We obtain our data directly under license via the APIs of the services. We then editorially categorise and organise the different pages/ channels etc, including assigning country and category to each person/ organisation to give you the rankings on this site. As categorisations often involve ambiguous editorial decisions, and the process of is never ending as new stars emerge, please be aware that they will never be fully complete/ accurate.

We only process and display public social network data. See our privacy policy for more info.

We aim to ensure all of our data is updated at least once a day, so no information should be older than 24 hours. If someone deletes their Facebook/ twitter/ YouTube profile it will quickly be deleted from our listing.

While our data should always be up to date and accurate, it may not always be complete. Our site currently only tracks the most popular, public users on social networks, so will exclude the vast majority of users with less fans/followers/subscribers etc. It will also exclude those users that set their accounts to be private, such as adult or alcohol companies that sometimes only allow over 18s to view their pages. In addition, the list of users tracked on our site may not always keep pace with sudden changes in popularity - it may take time before new users or newly-popular users appear in our rankings, although we do our best to keep our data complete. Please contact us if you notice any popular pages/channels etc that should be included, or if you notice mistakes or omissions in our categorisations.

On the other hand, some people/ organisations may be represented multiple times in the rankings (eg Michael Jackson has many Facebook pages). This is because some social networks allow fans to create pages/channels etc in honour of their stars, and also because fake accounts are sometimes created. Our rankings currently include all of these duplicate accounts, although we strip out many of the duplicate/ fan pages (apart from the exceptionally popular fan pages) for our "All Platforms" ranking. We have also begun to flag those accounts that we know to be the correct, official pages of who they claim to represent (although only a small number have been reviewed so far). Accounts that we know to be official are marked with a check box.

Famecount is our measure of the total popularity of a person or organisation across all 3 social networks. It lists anyone who has a presence on Facebook and at least one other of these networks. Where someone/something is represented more than once on these services (which happens frequently) we generally choose the most popular/official/recent account. We will for example choose an official profile, not an unofficial one, and where an organisation/ brand has multiple accounts (for example, musicians that have different YouTube accounts for different territories for rights reasons) we choose the main/largest. The index calculates the popularity of each user relative to the most popular user on each network. It forms a composite score by adding the two or three figures together (it gives a weight of 45% to Facebook, 30% to Twitter and 25% to YouTube, reflecting the respective usage of each platform and levels of commitment entailed in becoming a fan on each). The whole index is then adjusted to make the index more logarithmic (so those with fewer fans do not have negligable Famecount scores), rebased to give a maximum score of 100%, and is updated daily. Because the index is calculated relative to this maximum, a user's Famecount may fall when their popularity declines relative to others, even if their fans/ followers/ subscribers have been growing (and vice versa). Famecount may also change if and when our method of calculation changes. If you have any questions or suggestions around this or any of our figures please contact us.

Our growth indexes are similarly calculated by looking a daily, weekly and monthly growth across each of the networks. We calculate growth relative to the fastest growing on each network and weight each network as with the Famecount index. Our daily, weekly and monthly growth indexes are then calculated, relative to the fastest growing person or entity for that period. 

We hope soon to be able to provide feeds of some of our data, for free, for other websites to use. Please contact us if you are interested.

More information on our website and company can be viewed here.

Further information: You can get further data on the Stars of the major social networks at:

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/?browse

Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/channels

Twitter: http://twitter.com/invitations/suggestions

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