Hi (-: There is a way and has been a way of bringing the www to the state where it is also a ready built WWTW. Using very powerful but easy to set up technology from Autonomy (autonomy.com) projectbrainsaver and more recently an offshoot called hightechheadhelper shows what can be achieved with Autonomys (ie IDOL Echo) and Etalk software. Its been a long time coming but it looks like voice capable systems for everyman will have actually been started by Dr. Guruduth Banavar Director-IBM Research India, and Chief Technologist, IBM India/South Asia and not a giant step on a global scale through the use of business technology used in a different manner - for and on behalf of the individual. At least the sunlight is coming over the horizon. (-: Mark Aldiss projectbrainsaver
A Facebook User The future of computing and communications: random thoughts, part 5