
Astonishing Appeal Court Ruling On Medicinal Cannabis


Peter Bridle. In Jail. In Pain.

According to the Northampton Chronicle & Echo:

“A RETIRED soldier who turned his house and shop into cannabis factories has had his sentence sliced on appeal - because he needed the illegal drug for a medical condition.”

Read that again: “…because he needed the illegal drug for a medical condition.”

This is an astonishing ruling from the Appeal Court that creates a precedent.  It is in line with the new sentencing guidelines.  It seems to enshrine in law the truth that cannabis is medicine.

It directly contradicts the Home Office and therefore the government’s position.

This is real progress.

The tragedy is that Peter Bridle remains in jail, deprived of his liberty and of the medicine that the law now acknowledges he needs for pain from his muscular dystrophy.

Surely, this must be “cruel and unusual punishment” in the meaning of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights which is enshrined in British law and the US constitution?

The cruelty and hypocrisy of cannabis prohibition in Britain is crumbling.  All that is needed is for a committed legal team of solicitors and barristers to take these issues through the courts.

Change is in sight.


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