



There are numeriouse Campaigns, which we at Cyber-Junks, agree, suppourt and affiliate with.   If you have a campainge which you would like us to supourt by adding an online link to that site, then please send an email to cyber-jaks@cyber-junk.com ,with detail of link and campaingn and we shall add it to are campaigns section, if the campaighn supourts cyber-junks values!


http://antiwar.com/ Campaigns for Peace, democratic and non violent solutions for the world.

 www.aldermaston.net Aldermaston Women's Peace Campaign

http://www.arcuk.org/ Others online resources and campaigns for peace.  

www.blockthebuilders.org.uk   Peacfully demonstrates for humanistic realisation of the horror coruptness and World dangers of Nuclear weapons. 

www.caat.org.uk Campaigns against the arms trade.

 www.cadu.org.uk Campaigns ggainst depleted Uranium.

www.cnd.org Campaigns for Nucler Disarment.

http://cndyorks.gn.apc.org Campaigns for nuclear disarment and for an abolishment of millitery control in space.

www.conscienceonline.org.uk Campaigns against the use of Tax Payers money to be used for millitery expenditurse.

http://disarmamentactivist.org Campaigns for diplomatic peace and disarment.

 www.faslanepeacecamp.org.uk  The Faslane Peace Camp
www.faslane365.org   The Faslane Peace Camp

http://www.foe.co.uk Campaigne for enviromental issues.

www.greenpeace.org.uk Campaigns for Enviromental issues.

www.gn.apc.org Provides green dialup and web space options.  Also has usfull green resouses online and discusion forums. 

www.networkforpeace.org.uk Campaigns for peace.

Non-Violent Resistance Network Tel: 020 7607 2302

http://www.nuclearpolicy.info/ Campaigns for Nuclear-Free Local Authorities.

www.panna.org  Campaigns agaist the use of pesticides.

http://www.space4peace.org Campaigns to stop an arms race in space.

http://www.stopwar.org.uk/ Demonstrates for a unilatral peace movment of all Natons.

www.gn.org/pmhp/gs GenetiX snowball Campaigns for peacfulll action against geneitc enginering release sites.

www.togg.org.uk Campaigns against Genetic Enginearing.  Also publishes a monthly news letter. 

http://www.tridentploughshares.org/  Demonstrates peacefully against trident renewal.

www.waronpoverty.org Campaigns for diplomacy and realisation of the suffering that the arms trade causes the World.

www.good-energy.co.uk Provides electricity suply in the UK of 100% renewable electricity.  Will also take on electricity key holders.


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