
What would you ask David Cameron? - Features - Al Jazeera English

World View is a special collaboration between YouTube and Al Jazeera

What would you ask David Cameron?

Al Jazeera and YouTube are teaming up to allow you to ask questions to the British prime minister. 

Visit YouTube's special page to submit your questions by video or text.

The interactive question and answer session in Muscat, Oman is part of World View, a series of monthly interviews where you ask questions to world leaders.

Some possible questions include:

With austerity in Britian, will average people be forced to pay for an economic crisis which they didn't create?

Do you see a settlement to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict happening during your administration?

Has multiculturalism failed in the UK?

What is your favourite biscuit?

What is the biggest global challenge facing the next generation? And what should we do to solve it?

The interview will air on Friday, February 25, at 7:30 GMT.

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