
Libya: The bloodiest uprising the Maghreb has ever seen | Philip Brennan

As the world's media is blocked from entering Libya to report fully on the bloody uprising, the people of Libya are risking all to get the truth out to the world outside.

Philip Brennan | PhilipBrennan.net | 20 February 2011:

A statement from "Cyrenaican" on the running battles to liberate Benghazi from the Revolutionary Forces of Gaddafi:

"...Today, footage was released of the foreign mercenaries sent into Libya to murder Libyan civilians. Anti-aircraft weaponry and sniper rifles are the weapons that have been used against the people of Benghazi today's reports say 200 dead minimum. Today's massacres have been the worst to date of the Arab uprisings. It is now a war of Libyan civilians in the east against foreign killers..."

"...Talking to a beloved friend and relative of mine hiding in Benghazi. He's on the verge of tears, it is painful to hear. He is telling me that in the battle of the Kateebatil Fadheel, 200-300 were killed, foreign mercenaries among internal police shooting at them. He hasn't had a sip of water in 2 days, him and the group of shabaab he is with haven't been able to go home, many of his friends have killed. In Benghazi, the youth are using 3 things:

1. Rocks
2. Molotovs Cocktails
3. Joulateena (small grenades used to catch fish in the sea).

They are using these against trained mercenaries from other countries, with submachine guns and anti-aircraft guns. Groups of gangs in cars amng them foreign Africans, been driving around, trying 2 run over & shoot & kill Libyans on streets in Benghazi. The shabaab [youth] of Benghazi are the heroes of Libya..."

To give you some idea of what the youth uprising are up against, the following footage was taken from the streets of Benghazi within the past two days:

This next video comes with the warning that it is very graphic and not for the faint hearted:

Meanwhile, "monaeltahawy" also gave a statement last night, detailing events esewhere in the east of Libya:

"...The following information on Libya are from a Libyan source I trust. He passed on information he has from inside Libya. After the funerals on Friday, at 5pm, mourners went to demonstrate in front of the Security HQ building, Benghazi, chanting "We and the security forces are one people". Officers came out, said they are with the people. They invited group of demonstrators inside building, closed gates, shot them. 23 men died. As with most of those who have been killed, the bullet wounds were mostly to the head and the chest.

SMS messages have been sent to mobile phones within Libya by the government of Gaddafi, asking Libyans ‘not to give in to traitors,’ threatening, ‘We will hit with an iron fist all oppose revolution’ (that being the 1969 Revolution of Gaddafi).

Although violence has been in other parts of Benghazi, the focal point for demonstrators has been the Central Courthouse in the north part of the city. Crowds outside court reached 30,000 earlier Saturday - impressive, considering that Benghazi's population is between 300,000 and 350,000. Many demonstrators educated men, women: lawyers, engineers, academics, intellectuals, teachers & 'Mothers of Abu Salim'. 'Mothers of Abu Salim' are the mothers and wives of men murdered in the infamous massacre in the political prison of Abu Salim in 1996, 1200 killed. Significant regarding the protesters outside the Courthouse - they are from a diverse spectrum of Libyan society: the middle class, simple folk, women, men, old, and young. Several parents brought children.

This information is from a Libyan source I trust who is in regular touch with family and friends inside Libya.

A makeshift clinic has been set up in the car park outside the Courthouse. People are bringing protesters food, water, tents, and blankets. There is a strong feeling of solidarity outside the Courthouse. One protester told my source, 'I am fearful, but never felt stronger.'

Security forces in Al Bayda, Darna and Ajdabiya, because of the strong tribal ties there, have joined the protesters, says my source.

Two mercenaries were caught in Bayda. They were from Chad and claimed to be part of Khamees [Qaddafi’s son] Military Unit. They said they were promised $12,000 for each Libyan killed.

Once again, this information is from a Libyan source I trust who gets his information from his family and friends inside Libya. It is up to you to trust who you want. I trust my Libyan source. You must all behave accordingly.

The absence of independent media inside Libya means that the only way to get info is from Libyans inside or those, like my source, with family and friends there. I've conveyed info my Libyan source relayed because I trust him and I want to amplify voices he hears from inside Libya.

I understand those asking me how to confirm what I conveyed. I asked those questions myself of others. I waited till I got information from sources I trust. International media are asking me to connect them with people inside Libya so that they can get info like that I have just conveyed from my source.

Murderous Gaddafi will not allow journalists into Libya. So you will hear news via phone calls to ordinary people there. Just like from my source.

‘We will hit with an iron fist all those who oppose the revolution’," SMS sent to Libyan mobile phones, via my Libyan source.

Fayez Bo Juwary, Revolutionary Committee: ‘We are not Tunisians Egyptians; we don't use rubber bullets, tear gas, or water canons - only live bullets.’

The Libyan source I've quoted conveyed to me what his family and friends inside Libya told him. According to my Libyan source, any person inside Libya who gives an interview is arrested. Mobile phones cannot call out. After hearing all that info from my Libyan source I just want to cry for the rest of the night but that's not going to help anyone. My God.

‘We will hit with an iron fist all those who oppose the revolution’. SMS sent to Libyan mobiles (Revolution here is Gaddafi's 1969 coup).

Whenever you hear murderous Gaddafi's people say "revolution" they are referring to 1969 coup that overthrew king, they calls it revolution. Meanwhile, the real revolution is happening in Libya now, to end 42 yrs of murderous Gaddafi's tyranny. In solidarity with courageous Libyans. So many Libyans I know are related to people who have disappeared under murderous Gaddafi's rule. Unimaginable to live with such pain..."

These two accounts are not contradictory but complementary. The first account details the running battles on the streets of Benghazi against the forces of Gaddafi and African mercenaries he has brought in from Mauritania, Chad, and Zimbabwe. The second account details the larger political and social actions of the protesters in eastern Libya. It is through both these accounts that we get a wider and more accurate picture of what is going on in Libya.

I am hopeful that the Libyan people will win in their uprising, but I cannot help but feel that our governments in the west are responsible for allowing Gaddafi to get away with his crimes for far too long. Despite the very strong words of condemnation from William Hague, the British foreign secretary, which I will include below, I feel it is too little action by my government, and that it is rather late in the day now for condemning Gaddafi when for years the western governments have turned a blind eye to his atrocities.

I have a distinct feeling that these events will come back to haunt our governments here in the west and bite them on the bottom, but I am sure that the peoples of the Maghreb know that we, the ordinary people, have been kept much in the dark about what has really been going on there. What has been done in the darkness is now coming out into the light, and this year will be a time of revolution and judgement.

Despite all the horror and pain we will see over the coming months and years, it is still an exciting time to be alive. If we can keep certain interests from hijacking the very real movements for change world wide, we have a chance to build a more equitable world out of the falling dictatorships and empires. But if we fail to do this through fear and inaction, then the New World Order will win and God only knows what that will mean for all of us. This web site serves as a testimony to the dark forces at work throughout the governments of the world. It is up to us, We the People, to defeat them.

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