
Albert Einstein Institution - Advancing freedom through nonviolent action


The Albert Einstein Institution is a nonprofit organization advancing the study and use of strategic nonviolent action in conflicts throughout the world.

We are committed to the defense of freedom, democracy, and the reduction of political violence through the use of nonviolent action.

Our goals are to understand the dynamics of nonviolent action in conflicts, to explore its policy potential, and to communicate this through print and other media, translations, conferences, consultations, and workshops.

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Click here to order Albert Einstein Institution books on nonviolent action.

This website also offers many publications to be freely downloaded.

From Dictatorship to Democracy by Gene Sharp
Available for download in 24 languages

Self-Liberation by Gene Sharp, with the assistance of Jamila Raqib

On Strategic Nonviolent Conflict by Robert Helvey
Available in English, Burmese, Chinese (Simplified, Traditional), and Spanish.

There Are Realistic Alternatives by Gene Sharp
Downloadable in English, Arabic, Azeri, French, and Hebrew

Further publications on nonviolent action
Introductions to nonviolent action
Case studies: Eastern Europe, Latin America, more
198 Methods of Nonviolent Action

Chinese, Russian, Arabic, Spanish, French, Dutch,
Farsi, Italian, Azeri, Kyrgyz, Japanese, many more.

  Video and Audio
- "The Godfather of Nonviolent Resistance?" A radio interview by Robin Young, WBUR
- Civilian-Based Defense: a lecture by Gene Sharp
- Trailer for a Documentary on Gene Sharp
- The Power and Potential of Nonviolent Struggle
- Principled Non-Violence: Options for Action - (offsite link)
- "What Would Gandhi Do?" A radio interview by Tom Ashbrook, WBUR

Albert Einstein Institution in the News (Off-site links)
The New York Times - "Shy U.S. Intellectual Created Playbook Used in a Revolution" by Sheryl Gay Stolberg, February 16, 2011.
The Daily Beast - Profile of Gene Sharp by Samuel P. Jacobs, February 14, 2011.
New York Times - "Dual Uprisings Show Potent New Threats to Arab States" by David D. Kirkpatrick and David E. Sanger, February 14, 2011
Scientific American - "Egypt's revolution vindicates Gene Sharp's theory of nonviolent activism" by John Horgan, February 11, 2011
National Catholic Reporter - Interview with Gene Sharp by Claire Schaeffer-Duffy, February 4, 2011
CounterPunch - "Blind Faith and American Militarism" by Michael True, February 2, 2011
Jane's Intelligence Review - "Generation of '88, Kyaw Kyaw, NCUB director" - an interview with a member of the pro-democracy group in Burma, Oct 8, 2010
Pacific Daily News (Guam) - "People must know they have power" by A. Gaffar Peang-Meth, October 6, 2010
Associated Press - "Egypt's youth build new opposition Movement" by Sarah El Deeb, September 16, 2010
The New Yorker - "After the Crackdown, Talking to Mahmoud Ahmadinejad—and the opposition—about Iran today" by Jon Lee Anderson, August 16, 2010
Utne Reader - "Lessons from the Godfather: Interview with Gene Sharp" by Jeff Severns Guntzel, July 2010
ScientificAmerican.com - "How George W. Bush rejected my 'Sharp' idea for countering terrorism" by John Horgan, July 19, 2010
Jewish Herald-Voice - "How to get rid of a dictatorship" by Aaron Howard, Jan 14, 2010
Georgian Daily - "Georgia: Looking Back At The Rose Revolution" by Alex van Oss, December 31, 2009
The Spectrum & Daily News" - "Harvard academic's ideas reach Iran" by Tad Trueblood, December 31, 2009
The Christian Science Monitor - "Iran protesters: the Harvard professor behind their tactics" by Scott Peterson, December 29, 2009
The Boston Globe - "Revolution of the Mind" by Farah Stockman, December 20, 2009
The Daily Star - "Beware of a brittle Iran" December 10, 2009
Slovo (Slovakia) - "Studená vojna novej generácie: farebné revolúcie" by Leopold Moravčík, December 4, 2009 (Off-site link; Google automated translation)
Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty - "Gene Sharp: Theoretician Of Velvet Revolution" by Michael Hirshman, November 27, 2009
The Rushford Report - "An Inconvenient Man" by Greg Rushford, September 21, 2009
YES! Magaine - "Weapons of Mass Democracy: Nonviolent Resistance Is the Most Powerful Tactic Against Oppressive Regimes" by Stephen Zunes, September 16, 2009
The Associated Press - "Iran: new audience for US scholar's protest guide" by Sebastian Abbot and Katarina Kratovac, June 26, 2009
The Wall Street Journal - "American Revolutionary: Quiet Boston Scholar Inspires Rebels Around the World" by Philip Shishkin, September 13, 2008
The Financial Times - "Defiance undeterred: Burmese activists seek ways to oust the junta" by Amy Kazmin, December 6, 2007
The Phoenix (Boston) - "The Dictator Slayer" by Adam Reilly, December 5, 2007
Ohio State University Alumni Magazine - "The Most Influential Man You Don't Know" by Charlie Euchner, November-December, 2007

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